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Call for Nominations | TURF 2022-23 | Upcoming Rotaract Event

SEARIC MDIO calls for nominations from SEARIC Member Districts for TURF – The Ultimate Rotaract Felicitations 2022 - 23, the upcoming rotaract event. All SEARIC MDIO Member Districts are eligible to submit their nominations.

Deadline for Submission: June 22, 2023 – 11 PM IST

SEARIC MDIO is pleased to announce the commencement of the nomination process for TURF – The Ultimate Rotaract Felicitations 2022-23. This prestigious event aims to recognize and honor outstanding achievements and contributions made by Rotaract clubs within the SEARIC region.

All SEARIC MDIO Member Districts are cordially invited to participate in this esteemed event by submitting their nominations. This presents a unique opportunity for Rotaract Districts and Clubs to showcase their exceptional endeavours, impactful projects, and exemplary leadership throughout the Rotaract year of 2022-23.

The SEARIC MDIO highly values the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and service demonstrated by Rotaract clubs across the region. By recognizing and felicitating these exceptional efforts, TURF aims to inspire and motivate Rotaractors to continue their dedicated service towards their communities and beyond.

Clubs from all diverse backgrounds and geographical locations within the SEARIC region are encouraged to participate. This inclusive approach ensures that the achievements of Rotaract Clubs and Districts from various cultures, regions, and demographics are duly acknowledged and celebrated.

The deadline for submission of nominations is June 22, 2023, at 11 PM Indian Standard Time (IST). It is imperative that all nominations are received within the specified timeframe to ensure fair evaluation and consideration by the esteemed judging panel. SEARIC MDIO urges all Member Districts to actively engage in the nomination process and identify deserving Rotaract clubs within their respective jurisdictions. This is an opportunity for Member Districts to showcase the collective achievements and community impact of their Rotaract clubs on a regional platform.

The nomination process and further details regarding the submission process can be accessed through the official SEARIC MDIO website. Districts are advised to carefully review the submission guidelines and provide comprehensive and compelling information that showcases their club's achievements in an accurate and impactful manner.

TURF – The Ultimate Rotaract Felicitations 2022-23 promises to be a grand celebration of the remarkable accomplishments of Rotaract clubs within the SEARIC region. SEARIC MDIO eagerly anticipates receiving nominations that exemplify the dedication, leadership, and transformative impact exhibited by Rotaract clubs in serving humanity.

For any queries or clarifications regarding the nomination process, interested parties are encouraged to reach out to the SEARIC MDIO via the provided contact information on the official website.

We look forward to receiving an exceptional array of nominations and joining together to commemorate the outstanding achievements of Rotaract clubs at TURF – The Ultimate Rotaract Felicitations 2022-23.


List of Awards and Felicitation

  1. Outstanding DRR and DS Citation

  2. Outstanding Project: Community Service

  3. Outstanding Project: Club Service

  4. Outstanding Project: Professional Development

  5. Outstanding Project: International Service

  6. Outstanding Project/Initiative: Partners in Service

  7. Outstanding Project/Initiative: Public Image/ Branding

  8. Outstanding District Publication

  9. Outstanding Social Media Presence

  10. Outstanding Training Plan

  11. Highest Membership Growth

  12. HighestNumber: R.T.R–Rotaract to Rotary

  13. BestPracticesinDistrict


Instructions to file the nominations

  1. Districts should submit their nominations online on the Form Link.

  2. The deadline for submission is June 22, 2023 – 11 PM IST. Please note that submissions

  3. post the deadline will not be accepted.

  4. All reports and attachments should be in the templates shared by SEARIC MDIO. Please

  5. note the required format of the file to be uploaded. Please also note that each individual

  6. file should not exceed 10 MB in size.

  7. Please ensure that you answer all questions on the form and recheck before submission.

  8. Please keep a note of the word limits on specific questions on the form.

  9. Ensure that you have all the documents, data and reports ready before you start filling out

  10. the form. A PDF version of the form is shared for your reference.

  11. In case of any queries, please contact PDRR Mukesh Pratap Singh.


Documents, Data and Reports required

Reports of Projects and Initiatives: Please nominate one best project/initiative report for each of the following categories (PDF Files only)

  1. Outstanding Project: Community Service

  2. Outstanding Project: Club Service

  3. Outstanding Project: Professional Development

  4. Outstanding Project: International Service

  5. Outstanding Project/Initiative: Partners in Service

  6. Outstanding Project/Initiative: Public Image/ Branding g. Outstanding District Publication

Report of District events/activities:(PDF Files only)


  2. District Assembly

  3. District Conference

Report of District Training Initiatives(PDF Files only)

List of Rotaractors who joined a Rotary club in RY 2022-23 supporting R.T.R.: Rotaract to Rotary (Excel File)

Membership data (district records and updates in as of July 1, 2022 and June 2023.

Social Media Links of Districtpages on various platforms and other places of digital presence.

Details of participation in SEARIC MDIO projects and initiatives.

Data of DRR Visits completed,number of District publications, number of clubs received

RI Presidential Citation for Rotaract clubs in RY 2022-23

Short write-ups (100-200 words) about the following to be filled on the online form:

  1. The initiatives taken by the RotaractDistrict to encourageRotaractors (past and present) to join the Rotary.

  2. Efforts of DRR, DS and the District Team have been working to provide support and guidance to Rotaract clubs in the district.

  3. Any event/project organized by the District team with the participation of Rotaractors beyond one's own district, enhancing learning and exchange between districts.

  4. Upto 3 of district’s best practices/highlights of the year.

  5. Key contributions of the District Secretary.

  6. Multi-district events/initiatives or projects beyond the district (virtual or physical) that your district participated in


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