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Rotaract Club of

Hindustan University

Sponsored / Partner Club

Rotary Club of Chennai Capital

Rotary International District






Club Type

Institution Club

Club ID


Charter Date

18 Feb 2016

Major Projects by Club

One of our club's signature projects is RYLA, (Rotaract Youth Leadership Awards) , a leadership-building session and activities for 2 days and 3 nights event designed for Rotaractors to develop their leadership skills. Another key project, Maghizh, involves a mega grocery donation drive aimed at providing essential groceries to orphanages.

Club's Social Media Handles

About Us

The Rotaract Club of Hindustan University,chartered on February 18th 2016 is astudent-led organization focused on fostering community service and leadership among students. Through out the year, theclub initiates various projects aimed atmaking a positive impact on society. It isparented under Rotary Club of Chennai Capital of Rotary International District3232. Currently the club is led by the 10th President Rtr. Sruthi D R and the 10th Secretary Rtr. Sranthosh Rajan T , the club is committed to empowering its members and serving thecommunity through impactful initiatives. With a strong emphasis on service and leadership, the club continues to inspirestudents to contribute meaningfully to their surroundings. One of our club's signature projects is RYLA (Rotaract Youth Leadership Awards) , a leadership-building session and activites for 2 days and 3 nights designed for Rotaractors to develop their leadership skills. Another key project, Maghizh, involves a mega grocery donation drive aimed at providing essential groceries to orphanages. These initiatives highlight our commitment to community service and youth development. Through RYLA, we empower young leaders, while Maghizh ensures support for vulnerable children. Both projects embody our club's mission to make a positive impact.

Rtr. Sruthi D R

Rtr. Sruthi D R


RI Membership ID: 


Rtr. Santhosh Rajan T

Rtr. Santhosh Rajan T


RI Membership ID: 


Contact Us


1, padur, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, OMR, Padur, Tamil Nadu 603103, India

Last Updated:

1 July 2024 at 1:09:40 pm

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